Ewan McGregor por Hunter & Gatti para GQ

El maestro jedi Ewan McGregor pasa por las manos de los fotógrafos de moda Hunter & Gatti.

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

La sesión fotográfica tuvo los estilismos de Sacha Lilic para la revista GQ en la edición Alemana.

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,
Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,
Ewan McGregor, Hunter & Gatti, photoshoot, GQ, Magazine, Suits and Shirts, lifestyle, Sascha Lilic,

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